Friday, November 30, 2007

Improving Special Order Process Flow

During the week of November 5-9, a CI Project team in Phoenix worked on the development and installation of some improvements to the processing of special orders. A cross-functional team was assembled to address the issues, including misplaced product, missing paperwork, and searching for the items needed.

The team developed a simple Standard Operating Procedure and implimented it, all in the same week! As a result, special orders are processed in a standard way, everyone knows what to expect, small orders are filled and processed immediately, scheduled orders are filled and staged on a cart waiting for their scheduled delivery day, and large furniture items are filled and staged in a special warehouse area set apart and assigned for those orders.

In three weeks following the event, there has been a significant reduction in the time required to process the orders, no more searching to find the product or the paperwork! Most importantly, there hasn't been a single customer complaint about a late or missing special order! Congratulations on a CI well done!

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